YOU vs. YOU trainer tip #15 6.6.17
Today's trainer tip...You are only confined by the walls you build around yourself. In this game it is only you versus you. We need to stop the comparisons against others. We can't achieve someone else's body. We can't have someone else's accomplishment. We can't be someone else. Strive to be the best you that you can be. Own your journey. You control how hard you work, how often you train, how focused you will be. Hold yourself accountable, and if you can't, find support. You can achieve your goals. If you believe, you can and you will. If you think you can't, you won't. It's your choice. You have the power to decide the course of your journey. Sure there are something's that can't be controlled, but you can control how you react to them. Don't give up when things get tough. Don't quit because you fall down. Continuing proves your grit and tenacity and success only comes from perseverance. It's fine to look to others for inspiration and motivation, but you have only yourself to beat.
If you need support, I am happy to provide that in the form of my closed Facebook group. You can be a part of it by joining the next VCNfitness challenge which begins September 3rd! Click here for details.