TAKE A CHANCE, MAKE A CHANGE Trainer Tip #36 11/14/2017
Trainer Tip Tuesday...I am always preaching to my clients, challengers, and the women I mentor that change doesn’t happen in comfort zones...you have to be willing to do things that will challenge you in order to see change...both in body and in mindset. It’s vital in the journey of life to do things that make you uncomfortable or even scare you if you don’t want to stay in the same place...this is why I started lifting weights at 15, left home to go to college out of state, did a study abroad, moved to NYC right after graduation, auditioned for broadway musicals and dance companies, went to graduate school, started my own business, had children, did OCRs, physique competitions, and now...auditioning for American Ninja Warrior!

My life would have been pretty boring if I never took chances and faced fears. But I’ve never shied away from a challenge. For many others, I know it’s is really terrifying to do something different than your normal because of the fear of the unknown...but what if that unknown could change your life for the better?! This is how I see my next challenges...because you never know unless you try...and if you never try, you might regret that choice. So this whole diatribe is my way of saying, TAKE A CHANCE...I know lots of you are “considering” trying a Spartan Race...my advice...JUST SIGN UP....make it a goal that you have to work towards ...if you keep waiting until you are ready, or you’ve trained enough, you might never do it...the truth is, you’re never 100% ready! Some of you are “thinking about” trying one of my challenges...well now I’m giving you no excuse by offering my very affordable monthly membership. Some of you are stuck in a training rut or plateau...this is your opportunity to be pushed, motivated, and literally trained by me...what is holding you back??? It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable...that’s where change happens...and you deserve it!