The HARD TRUTH About Personal Trainers
I’m gonna share a HUGE tip…. I'm talking about self-proclaimed personal trainers, celebrity trainers and social media influencers. There...

GUILT FREE ZONE trainer tip #12 5.16.17
How many of you feel guilty when you miss an unscheduled day of working out? How many of you let one treat make you feel terrible,...

THE MAGIC PILL trainer tip #11 5.9.17
Trainer Tip Tuesday. Daily ,I read posts from people looking for the "fastest way possible" or the "easiest way" or a "jump start" to...

DRINK YOUR EFFING WATER trainer tip #10 5.2.17
It's Trainer Tip Tuesday....and today's lengthy post is about agua, H2O, WATER!!! Did you know that a human can survive up to 3 weeks...

SQUATS trainer tip #9 4.25.17
It's Trainer Tip Tuesday and I'm talking about the SQUAT. This is gonna be a long one so hope you'll stick around! The squat is a classic...

ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN trainer tip #8 4.18.17
Trainer Tip Tuesday is all about the ABS! I get asked almost daily, "what exercises can I do to get abs?" And my answer is always the...

BUT, I'M NOT SORE...trainer tip #7 4.11.17
Today's Trainer Tip is about muscle soreness. I hear daily, "I worked so hard, I felt like I was dying. But my muscles aren't sore. What...

LEG DAY trainer tip #6 4.4.17
Trainer tip Tuesday...and I'm talking about #legday. As you can see in all of these photos, I am not using heavy, heavy weight. I am...

DON'T BE FOOLED trainer tip #5 3.28.17
Trainer tip Tuesday! How many of you have seen ads for "amazing new miracle fitness products" have said to yourself...only a few minutes...

STRONG IS THE NEW SEXY trainer tip #4 3.21.17
Trainer Tip Tuesday...LADIES....cardio alone is not the answer to fat loss and changing your body...a combination of cardio AND strength...